Will a MS degree from any university of USA valuable in india?

after MS is completed… can that ms degree from USA can find me a good job in India … Private / government…

please help me . iam confused… plz link any such cases

MS degree from US is no different from a Master’s level degree in India like M.Tech or M.Sc, etc. In my experience, having an MS from US schools does not really give you any advantage in job search, unless you are from the ivy league schools…I know many friends who did mention that MS did not really give them any advantage. In India, the job market is primarily driven by experience of the individual in a domain or a technology. Having said that, if you are passionate about studying in US, you can always study in US and work for a year and come back to India and work… In summary, the US MS degree may not give you much additional advantages…it will be considered another master’s level degree in India.

or else can i work there it self and clear my loan amount which is taken for university fee…,can i find jobs there easily after MS and … do work experience in US can be useful in India to earn…
i’m doing civil engineering course…(B.Tech)