When does application starts for 2014 year?

Hi all,

I’ve worked for an American company for an entire year on OPT until last July 31st. They actually want to sponsor my H1B visa. I’m a little confused as to… Do I need to wait for April 1st/2014 to get the process going even if I send the documents/papers by next month?

I’ve heard that for 2013 the visas are all gone and I would have to wait for 2014 and probably get my visa back (if I ever get it) by no later than October/2014.

Any help would be very much appreciated or a phone to call for some info as well.

Thank you.

apply only by Apr 2014 and can start working by Oct 2014…if your visa expires after april you can apply for CAPGAP…do some research on H1B, opt

Thank you for the prompt reply SnowWinter. I’m out of the US but still working for the same American company even though my US visa just got expired. I guess there is no way around but to wait. It sucks bc my boss really wants to bring be back and will pay all the fees for H1B and I actually wanna go back to the US as well. I’ll keep researching on this website. Very good.
