When can I apply for H1B and how do I find employer who can sponser?

Hi, I am kind of newbie, not having much knowledge about H1B, though I hold B1/B2.

1. How to find good employer who can[b] [/b]sponsor [b]for H1B?[/b]

2. When should I start the process?

Thank you.
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You may search for openings in job sites like Dice.com and identify an employer who is ready to sponsor your work VISA.

Thank you, I have an account there, but hoping there may be other alternatives.

First, You’ve to find an employer, then, You could start the process for H1 B.

[b]Check this:[/b]


[b]May be, also this will help you:[/b]


[b]For Knowledge:[/b]

[Click Here](http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=73566811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=73566811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD)

Hi Savantis

Greetings from Danta Technologies in San Diego.Please send your resume to visa@dantatechnologies.net. Or Call Nik Patel on
+1 (510) 862-4149. We still can file your H1b Visa for 2016. There are last 2 days remaining to file.

Thank you,

Visa Processing Team / Danta Technologies