What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
What is the Probability of RFE getting resolved for H1B ?
95% if the Document they have asked for are provided Correctly.
Thanks Vishal…
Whats u r Status … RFE or RFE Response Review… premium or Regular procesing
RFE…Now on 21st Nov 2013 , it has been Denial without RFE-Response Review.
Regular Processing. What is the next step after H1b-Denial ?
Please help. Thanks.