Status Change Time:from Decision(Completed) to Decision(Approved/Denied).

Dear All,

My H1B status changed to Decision-Completed on 22nd Jan, 2013.As per USCIS, they sent notice to the Employer.
Many of my friends and also in the forums told that it took 2 days to reflect in the portal irrespective of the Approved / Denied status from Decision(Completed) status.
How much time it takes to reflect as Decision(Approved or Denied) in the USCIS portal?

Status on USCIS

On January 22, 2013, the review of your I129, PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER was completed. You will be notified of the decision by mail. Please check our website at for further updates on your case, including when the decision is mailed. If you have not received the decision within 14 days of the date above, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.

Appreciate your Help.


At times, the status doesn’t change online and people come to know about the result through their employer. Stay in touch w/ employer to know what the final outcome was.

Any updates on this…my H1b is also in the same status

On January 22, 2013, the review of your I129, PETITION FOR A NONIMMIGRANT WORKER was completed

Hi jyothi,

I didn’t get any update from employer.
Did u applied through consultancy?
you can reach me @


Any update on your status?
