Spelling error in Name on Visa Appointment Letter- DS 160

My name misspelt in appointment confirmation page for “Appointment made by” name.
I tried to update in DS160 by creating new application and updated the same in the appointment profile. But I couldn’t find the misspelt name in DS160.
how to correct the name and how to print the revised appointment confirmation information page.
I have biometrics on 8/8 ( THU ).
earliest response is greatly appreciated.

It could be a glitch in the software. Try to call customer service and get them to help you. Usually, the DS-160 info is the critical one, if you have it correct there, then others things should cascade and change based on that. Also, when you go the visa counter for biometrics, you may have a chance to fix it too. Again, try calling the customer support. Also, please share here your situation for the community benefit.

Hi, Can you let me know how this was solved for you.
I have the same issue