SOLUTION: Unable to add dependents in usvisascheduling website

Problem :

Unable to add dependents from previous visa scheduling applications on the usvisascheduling website .It is important to note that the site is new, and all your information, including dependents, has been transferred from the old system. You may encounter difficulties adding dependents from old applications. Creating a new profile with a new email may result in an error indicating an existing profile. Online suggestions like altering birth country or passport number formatting won’t work as these fields are uneditble . Support feedback may recommend creating a new profile to address the issue which is not helpful


The following worked for me.

  1. Called the support (703)-520-2239. I called around 9 AM CST, waited about 7-10 mins and a gentleman picked up the call
  2. I explained the problem with him and he understood
  3. He asked me to verify the primary applicants details such as name and passport number and also the dependents (the one had problem) details
  4. He asked me to provide an email which was not used before in usvisascheduling website. Keep this email ID ready before calling.
  5. He updated the existing dependent profile with the new email ID I provided in step 4.
  6. He asked me to create a login with this email ID in step 4 on the usvisascheduling. Once your are logged in, you can see the dependent detail and note down the UID number on the top right of your screen (basically the profile ID)
  7. Proceed to the primary applicant’s profile where you encountered the issue adding the dependent. Add the dependents using the UID provided. This should enable you to successfully add the dependent to the profile.
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Thank you so much for the information provided. When I call the customer service 703-520-2239, always computer gives information but does not allow us to talk to someone. Can you provide more information on how did you get someone on the phone?