Reference to L1 visa application data for dependent L2 application


Would you be knowing if the information that I had put in my L1 application will be referred to in my wife’s application for her dependent L2? I know its a stupid question, but the issue is that I had put her name with my surname in my applicationm while her passport states her maiden name. We have all the rest of the documents in her maiden name (i.e. marriage certificate, DL etc). Only this reference in my application is where i have put my surname. So is it necessary that she changes her name on her passport before she can file for her application?


I am not sure, if there is any cross reference in the system…

But, in my view, changing name on the passport just for this sake, is not a solution…if you change the name on passport, it can impact other certificates.

Just call the VFS or email US consulate regarding the same, they should give you an answer…