Receipt number query

I have query regarding the Receipt number. My Receipt number starts with IOE85XXXXXXXX. My query here is first 3 digits are related to service center and next two digits should be fiscal center, which is nothing but current year.
But in my case it is 85. could anyone kindly help me on this.

For me its 80. I don’t think its a problem.

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what is the duration for the approval process

It depends. Ideally, it would take 1-3 months for regular and 1-2 weeks for Premium procesing.
But now a days, I heard regular extension are processed with in a month and Premium applications are processed in a week.
This is for extension when you have already a stamp and staying in US.

Actually am staying in India and applied for H1B. It’s regular process only.
It’s almost a month now.

Is there a way can we can check the status of all cases which are submitted?