Question about Interview waiver for older parents


Age cut off for interview waiver for visitor visa is 80 years. My mother is 79 years old and I am wondering if anyone here has experience of getting interview waiver for Visitor visa for parents closer to 80 years old?

My understanding is that no supporting documents of applicant and sponsor are submitted at the time of scheduling the interview. So is it correct that the consular officers will get to see I-134 affidavit of support along with any other financial documents of sponsor only at the time of interview?


The systems are setup in such a way that they work based on the date of birth entry…You may try requesting the Embassy for exceptions, but I have not heard. You do not need to submit I-134, that is not really a requirement for visitor visa, used as optional document…you just need to show funds in bank statement to cover their trip expenses. Read Parents US visa process

Thanks Kumar.

I already have the list of documents. My question was really about the timing when does one show these support documents like I-134, financial statements, etc. Is it only at the time of interview, if asked or any other time before the interview?

Ok. These need to be showed at the time of the interview, if the VO asks for how do you support your trip, who is paying for it, show funds proof. It is not checked before interview.