Preferred LCA Title for Java Developer through consultancy


Could you please suggest the Preferred LCA Title for Java Developer (contract job) through consultancy ?

Last year, filed H1B with LCA (OES/SOC Code: 15-1121 , OES/SOC Title : Computer Systems Analysts ) and there was lot of scrutiny and ultimately it got denied. So, want to make sure we pick the correct LCA Title this time.

Are below LCA titles the best for Java Developer as long as the wage level 2 is met for those titles ?

  1. OES/SOC Code: 15-1132 OES/SOC Title: Software Developers, Applications

  2. OES/SOC Code: 15-1133 OES/SOC Title: Software Developers, Systems Software

Please suggest. Thank you !

Its not just TITLE, its the job qualifications and duties also narrates if the job is in the specialty occupation or not.
The job Codes that you have suggested above looks good for the developer role but make sure that the job qualifications and duties are well crafted.

Okay, got it. Thanks a lot for your reply !