Options for international medical graduate on h4 visa

I am an International medical graduate …I am on h4 visa now…I wna work as a medical assistant here but the issue s about my visa …What are the educational opportunities available for img’s other than residency?what are the job opportunities available?how can i get my visa status changed?who will sponsor a h1b for an img with h4?..kindly reply…

  1. Applying to become a doctor in the US can be time consuming and expensive plus it will not resolve your visa concerns. It does not mean it should not be done. By all means you should practice medicine in the US but not immediately pursue that route

  2. Depending on the State you live in, try for the highest level of non-physician certification, it could be an LRN or LN but not CNA. It could be obtained by endorsement or by exam, very simple either way.

  3. Volunteer in the hospital of your choice, select the toughest stream such as emergency medicine. Make sure you have medical insurance and liability insurance. They will check this

  4. Ask the hospital hiring you to sponsor for an H-1B, you will need your own lawyer. You will be cap exempt everywhere in the US, the hospital should be organized for public benefit and not for-profit.

  5. Six months later, start converting your experience into credentials for becoming a doctor here. Plenty of physician staff will help you.

All the best!

Dr. Sandeep Shankar, Colorado Heights University, Denver, CO 80223, USA. www.chu.edu, sshankar@chu.edu