Neglect of University ISO my sevis got terminated, So what are my options?

I took a semester break for summer term and joined back in the college for fall semester 2014 and I was going to complete my masters by april 2015 so when I went their for applying OPT I came to know that my sevis was terminated due to negligence of college ISO and without any information given to me . So how can I get back my sevis and status and How can I apply for my OPT. My deadline for OPT start date is july 2015. Can you please tell what are my chances and options .

Well, the best thing to do is work with your DSO and apply for re-instatement of the status. As it is not your fault, you should be covered. You can explain that in your covering letter to USCIS so that they consider that. There is nothing to worry, just work with your DSO.