Name in birth certificate : H4 VISA related query

Hello Experts,

My wife name is mentioned as Sangeeta Pandey in all passports (her passport, my passport and kids passport), however it is mentioned as Sangeeta Shukla in my first kid birth certificate. Surname Shukla is my surname and hence wife used after marriage and that’s how it got reflected in my first kid birth certificate. Also it is mentioned as Sangeeta Pandey in second kid birth certificate.

In summary it is sangeeta pandey every where except 1 birth certificate where it is Sangeeta shukla .

Would it be problem during H4 VISA interview ?
If yes what is solution of the problem?


I think this may not be a big deal for now and for H4. If you plan to apply for green card in future, I would suggest getting the birth certificate reissued based on you kid’s passport.