MS in US with from Poor University

I have financial problems. Could you please tell me how I can get scholarship ?
My 10th percentage is 70 (PSEB)
12th percentage is 75 (CBSE)
Bachelor’s degree in (Electronics and Comm) with 78 percent.{Punjab Tech University)
Skill- Certified Java Programmer
Work experience - 3 years( AonHewitt Associates and Xerox corporation)

Can I get the scholarship with good GRE and TOEFL score and with the above mentioned percentage and work experience? Also I want to pursue MS in Computer Science but did in ECE. I am keen to work on programming.

I want to have scholarship by any means but I am afraid if my collage tag(PTU) and Percentage come as a roadblock on the way of my career in US.


 Will my work experience count working in AonHewitt assciates which is well known organization in US?

If PTU is UGC approved than you should not have problems.

Then like in india there are good schools and Bad schools in US.

Admissions depend on



Undergrad GPA


reco letters

Also, read this article : How to get Scholarships in US for MS, MBA? GRE, Essays, Acads ? - RedBus2US