Initiating petition for minimizing work interruptions for H4, H4 EAD due to slow USCIS process

Hi There,
I am new here, but I want to gauge interest in starting a petition for a Change (Please sign this-Petition · Timely processing of H4/EAD applications by USCIS · and point me in the direction if such petitions are already in circulation, post links) in the current ways by which USCIS adjudicates H4 and H4 EAD applications leading to interruption for many workers/employers lives/projects and financial/emotional distress to many families in this class.

A few things we could discuss here are-

  1. Automatic extension of H4 and H4 EAD for 180 days (or until USCIS issues a decision, whichever comes first) if the applications were filed in time (6 months)
    2… Premium processing of H4 and H4 EAD applications along with H1B application/extension od status

Please pour in your thoughts!