I140 approval copy

I am unable to get the i140 from my vendor and when i used FOIA i got reply that the record is not found. The i140 recently got approved around 2 weeks back so i need your expertise here please. Q1: Is it too early to ask for the approval copy to FOIA? Q2: What should i do next to get the copy of i140, i have only receipt number. Q3 If the A number in PERM document is the same as with the i140 document? Q4 Can my new employer can extend the H1B based on my receipt number and A number. Q5 What is the other way to get the copy of i140…Please help…Thanks a lot in advance

Wait for about 6 weeks and apply again if youe employer is unwilling to share tje approval notice.

Reapply the FOIA.


Ideally you will need to attach the approval notice however it may be okay to provide receipt, approval date and A number.