I joined a desi consuting company during OPT and desi consu

I joined a desi consuting company during OPT and desi consulting company is circulating my resume for job with other vendor. Will this period with desi consulting companyduring which it is cirgulating my resume for job to other vendors be counted as employment period or no employment period for OPT

Are you getting paid? Is your payroll getting generated?

If yes then you need not worry. If no then you are accumulating 90 day limit for OPT.

Be very careful of desi consulting companies

OPT may be an un-paid Internship (Optional Practical Training) “Optional” - You dont need pay stubs.

for h1 you would need payroll generated

It can be unpaid as long as it doesn’t break any labor laws. It can be unpaid when there are other people doing similar work for free. That is not the case w/ consulting companies. This is benching.

“Optional” means a student can apply for OPT or return back to home country at the end of the course.