How long does it take for USCIS to cash in checks?

Hello there,

My boss has been checking his bank account regularly to see if the 3 checks have been cashed in by USCIS… I have been told that this would be the quickest way for me to know if I have been picked by the Lottery or not…

Still no check cashed in as of now…

Does anyone know how long it could take before the checks get cashed in? Any time frame, min-max ?

Thank you very much in advance!

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There is NO SLA for this… As of now PP Masters and PP Regular are being encashed… It may take time… may be few weeks… Wait

I was also told that the checks will be cashed same day they mail the receipts… and that I should wait one more week for regular H1B processing checks to be cashed and receipts to be issued… so not loosing hope just yet.

Did you hear anything yet? I am still waiting for a receipt…

Yes, on the 21st my employer and lawyer both received the receipt. The checks were cashed in on the 18th. My application is: Masters/Regular processing/Vermont. My Fiance also received his receipt on Monday, he filed as : Non-master/Regular Processing/Vermont . Is you application being processed by the California center? I heard they were a bit slower… and if you applied under regular processing, you still have time, they are still issuing receipt. Don’t loose hope!