H4 VISA Fee Query During H1B employer change

Please find scenario.

1.) I work for Organization A - Both H1B and H4 extensions are approved
2.) My Spouse Travels to India and fills Ds160 (including fee paid) and waiting for H4 dropbox appointment. Stamping Not yet done.
3) I moved to Organization B.
4) Now my spouse needs to get stamping on organization B DS160

Query : Can I use the same application fee paid for Organization A to go for Stamping with Organization B, or do I need to pay again.
Any input is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Visa fees is irrespective of employer so yes you can use same visa fee receipt. However you will need to update the DS-160 with the new Employer information and the primary H1B I-797 # if the H4 is going for stamping after the H1B transfer is approved.

thanks Kalpesh for your prompt response .