Dropbox - First time H1B (F1 to H1B, Mechanical Engineer)
DS160 confirmation page
Current i797 (copy)
Employment verification letter (copy)
One recent photograph (white background, head height 3.5 cm and ears clearly visible)
VAC confirmation page
The VAC official verified the DS160 against the passport, stamped the VAC appointment confirmation and noted that it was a first H1B. The process took just 2 minutes.
4th April – Dropbox
5th April – Application Received
6th April – Issued
I am trying to schedule a dropbox appointment too but the portal says no appointments available even before I choose a location from 5 VAC offices: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad in the dropdown.
How to book dropbox appointment for Chandigarh, Kochi, Pune and other 3 similar non-VAC but dropoff-only locations? I do not see them in the dropdown.
Does anyone have any idea how long ago were they able to book appointments for Feb-March 2022 dropoff appointments? thankyou in advance
I may be wrong here, but the embassies opened around 20,000 slots for employment visas and staggered them till the end of the year. June-Aug appeared to be reserved for F1 slots as I never saw those dates open for VAC or interview appointments. Feb-May and Sept-Dec were for H/L visas and filled up fast. Keep checking and book a slot in any embassy/VAC as soon as it is available.