H1 Dropbox status as Refused

Hi All

I was in US initially went in F1 and later got h1 approval from employer A and then after 5 months changed to employer B. I paid visa application fee for me and my 3 family members (h4) together for in person slots. Later Dropbox appointment got updated. I took appointment and provided only my passport during Dropbox appointment along with current i797,photo, evl and client letter. As my husband got f2 rejected twice he is not eligible for Dropbox. Now I see the status as Refused in ceac portal. Can anyone help me with this ?
What could be the issue and what will be the next step ?

You may see the status change from ‘Application Received’ to “Administrative Processing” or “Refused” status. Do not panic, if you see these statuses. It does not necessarily mean your visa is refused or going through 221g. They are very common to appear in the middle during visa processing time. You may see these statuses for 3 to 4 days. For some users, they have seen this for a week or 10 days. So, do not panic. Read Why CEAC website shows Refused Status for US Visa ?

My H1B dropbox status also changed from ‘Application Received’ to ‘Refused’ and after 4 days i received email from US Consulate Kolkata and asked me to appear for Inperson inteview.
Do not worry or panic . Just check your email that you gave when you create the profile in CEAC on daily basis.


I got similar status for my h1 dropbox, did they asked you for the interview?

Hi Karthikraj,

I have a similar case, my status changed to “Refused”, what questions should I expect if I’m asked for the interview?

I got a similar status in CEAC tracker on 26 Nov 2024 but did not receive any email on next steps. Do I need to wait for the email to be received or Do I need to contact anyone regarding the refusal letter and further instructions?