F1 Visa Validity for Spring 2025 Enrollment After One-Year Deferment

I have recieved my F1 visa in last Spring(2024). But due to some personal reasons i didnt go for masters for last spring and Fall semester. It has been almost one year. Now, can i go for upcoming spring term(2025) on same visa status or should i appear for visa interview again?

If you are going to join the same school and course, yes you can as far as it remains valid. If you are going to change the school it gets tricky. You will need to join the school you originally applied and then request them for the day 1 transfer to the school you will actually study at. Make sure you get a new I-20 issued with the course start date from the school you originally applied the visa for.

More details and excerpts from the below link.


As with any Initial student, the student must report to your school by the program start date listed on the Form I-20 (in person or via e-mail, telephone and/or fax).

For any F-1 transfer, the student first must provide written verification of acceptance at another SEVP-certified school. The options depend on the program start date and when the student enters (or plans to enter) the United States.

  • If the student has received acceptance by another SEVP-certified school with a program start date fewer than 30 days before or after the student’s initial admission into the United States, you must transfer the student’s SEVIS record. Follow the directions in the next question for transferring an Initial record.
  • If the student does not have a program start date at the transfer-in school within 30 days of the initial admission into the United States, the student may do one of the following:
    • Enroll for a full course of study at the transfer-out school. Once the student’s record is Active, the student may request a transfer following the procedures above.
    • Withdraw acceptance to your school and then leave the United States and get a new Form I-20 from the DSO at the school the student wants to attend. After leaving the United States, the student must pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee for the new school. Since the student entered the United States and reported to a DSO at your school, you must make the record Active and then terminate it for authorized early withdrawal. The student must exit the United States within 15 days. Use this option only if you know the student plans to leave the United States.