F1 visa renewal [with earlier 221(g)]


I am writing this query on behalf of a friend. His son is planning to renew his F1 visa. Earlier, nearly 4 years ago when he had been to the US consulate Mumbai, he was given a 221(g) administrative processing green slip but subsequently he received the F1 visa.

Recently, my friends son saw a message that he was eligible for dropbox.

In the application, one question is “Have you been refused a Visa” . Is 221(g) considered a refusal?

If he enters “yes” will he be able to give details of the refusal on the website?

I will appreciate if someone could guide on this at the earliest. Thanks in advance.


Yes, it was. I didn’t even have to go through any additional processing this time. The visa was granted right after the interview itself.

Expect delays as they will spend more time validating your record. However it shouldn’t make you more likely for a denial. Do bring support of your ties to home country, financial support, academic progress, grades, and any publishing.

Ok. Thanks. I will share this information

Your welcome..:slight_smile: