I am applying for F1 renewal (currently under OPT). I qualify for interview waiver. I intend to drop-off the documents at the Bangalore drop-off facility. Do I need an appoint for this drop-off facility? Should I book a schedule at Chennai VAC even if I intend to drop it off in Bangalore?
You can drop to any of the facilities.
Thanks for answering the drop-off part. But does this require an appointment, if I choose to use the Bangalore drop-off facility?
You can use existing appointment to drop off at any location l.
Thanks again for responding. But I am confused now! Does this mean I need to have an appointment at one of the OFC even to go to a drop-off location? I thought I need to book an appointment only if I do not want to use any paid drop-off location. Can you pls. clarify?
Also, is there contact email/phone where I can reach the Bangalore drop-off service?
Haven’t you applied for visa and booked your dropbox appointment already? You do need an appointment even for dropbox.
If you haven’t filled out DS-160 and booked your dropbox appointment, refer to below process.
Sorry for many repeated questions and I really appreciate your patience in this regard!
I have filled DS-160 and got the interview-waiver; When I tried to schedule visa appointment through the usvisascheduling.com page, it only takes me to scheduling in OFC posts locations (Chennai, Hyd., Mumbai, Delhi, and Calcutta) and not for dropoff locations (Bangalore). I did this some in the last week of Sept. I see that there are some changes post Oct. 1 (there is a note in the usvisascheduling.com page to that effect!) I do not know if these changes allow one to book appointment for drop-off locations. This is where my confusion is and I do not know how to schedule an appointment at drop off location? Is there a different website for this? If not, can I use the same schedule as my Chennai OFC appointment for Bangalore drop off? Pls. guide me on this. Your help is much appreciated.