Hello, I (h1b) and my wife(h4) are looking to travel to India, we already paid our dropbox fee in october. I have been looking for slots for the last 2 months, they are just not coming seems like some agents or touts are gaming the system and reserving them in black. I don’t know if this is a general experience across India or something else is going on?
I have a friend to whom an agent reached out and he took some advance on the pretext of booking and then ghosted him. I don’t know how the experience is but I am thinking of planning to write to the US embassy on these so-called agents who are abusing this system and ruining it for everyone. I think on a general UStravel docs booking site can easily be gamed and it’s not getting validated for whom the slots are getting booked for. So the slots are swallowed up by these so-called cheaters and agents. If anyone of you guys is agents, no offence but you are doing this illegal and ruining it for everyone.
Lets everyone have a fair chance.
Please do share any positive experience if anyone had with their dropbox dates in India.
If you have solid evidences for what seems like illegal booking of appointment slots, you can tweet and tag all US consulate tweeter handles.
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