CPT to H1B CapGap


I am currently working on CPT which is going to expire on Aug 21, 2021 (Program ends) and I got my H1B along with COS (Change of Status) approved.

I am planning not to work from Aug 22, 21 until Sep 30, 21; Can I legally stay in the USA till my H1B starts i,e OCT 1st, 2021 ?

Doing so, Will there be any issue when I go for H1B visa stamping in future?

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!

CPT do not qualify for Cap-gap extension however you seem to have a timely filed and approved H1B with COS so you may stay in the US not exceeding your 60 days grace period from the date your CPT program ends.

I dont think you will have any issue with future stamping.