Respected Sir, I have completed my Bachelor’s in computer Engineering in May 2013 only.Now further I want to pursue my Masters in Management side.In that also I am much more interested in Marketing.Initially I was going to apply for Masters in International Management but after confirming with the universities I got to know that there is no specialization in Marketing in this course.Its only to develop better managerial skills. So now I am in great confusion regarding what to choose as my career path - MBA in Marketing or MS in marketing.I am thinking to apply for Spring 2014 intake.I want to choose the path which would provide me with better future prospectus(Moneywise) or career oppurtunities in the field of marketing. So please Sir help me in taking my decision & just take me out of this dilemma.I have to start applying forms online by 3-4 days.So Sir please give your worthy suggestions as soon as possible.It would be a great support from your side. Waiting for your Reply…!
First question, what do you want to do for job or career ? Where do you see yourself in next 5 years ? Marketing is vast, I am not sure, if you have expored the various options in Marketing ranging from Market research to Sales all fall under marketing…Without having any background in Marketing, it would be a tough to crack in to the space…
MBA without job experience is not going to be of any good. Check the article : [When to do MBA](
In my view, if you would like to be a Product Marketing Manager or Brand Manager, you can do MBA...You can get into to software comapnies in Marketing role...You need to ensure to get an internship, otherwise you would have a very hard time....