Help needed on L2 visa and schizophrenic husband in USA


I am in USA since 2 months on L2 blanket visa and my husband in L1A blanket .He is schizophrenic and kept me in his house like a slave . he is going to get green card and i am sure he wont add me and till now he didnt apply EAD, even he is not allowing me to go out .please help me what i have to do to get rid out from this situation . i am completely helpless here neither i have any phone nor a single dollar

You may contact your parents in India, ask them to buy a ticket for you and get back home. You have access to internet, I am sure you will be able to contact them.

I don’t understand why you are talking about Green card and visa in the first place.

I think this site is not intended to answer family issues. Better you can speak to your parents/in-laws about your husband and move from there on.