Expediated appointment, family separation

Hello All, I am struck in India with 221(g) and asking for in-person interview after consulates are open.

With consulates extending the closures beyond 5/31. I would like to check if I can apply for an Emergency/Expedited appointment at the earliest

I have a family in the US with 2 kids. second kid is a 2 year old and a US citizen
Can family separation be a good reason for expediated appointment?

Based on the travel exclusions in recently announced US travel proclamation, I am executed and can travel (as US Parent)

My spouse could manage the day to day errands with the help from neighbors, but if there is need to visit Dr or any urgent need then it will be difficult as she is not having Driving license.

Please suggest the best option to apply for an emergency appointment based on family separation? or need a strong medical reason?